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Hi! 👋🏼
My name is Rania (pronounced Run-ya, its a Lebanese thing 😉). I am a blank blank year old (Southern) California girl living with my husband of 10... yes, you read that correctly 10 years and our 2 crazy, adorable boys. And this is all new to me, this blogging thing, BUT I though it would be so fun to document our life for a few reasons....
1) How cool would it be when my boys are older and can scroll through and read about life?! Their lives!
2) Because life seems to just be flying by and I want to remember it, cherish it and not forget the small moments.
3) Because my husband bought me my first MacBook Pro and I just want to love on her all day long, so blogging will allow me to do that.
4) Blogging is probably cheaper than a therapist (well, my new laptop isn't, but it'll pay off) right? 
With that said, I am going to try and keep this as real and raw as possible. This space here isn't perfect, its authentic and loving. We're a wild and crazy bunch.
So subscribe for updates and welcome to the wildest ride in the wilderness (name that saying). 
Thanks for joining!

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